
Viber desktop not showing viber contacts
Viber desktop not showing viber contacts

viber desktop not showing viber contacts

Very often, doing these steps can fix the issue, regardless of the phone model you have. You might also try manually reconnecting your device to the data source, whether it be WiFi or a mobile network, closing and reopening Viber, or even doing a complete reboot of your device. Once you’ve downloaded the app and signed in, if you don’t see your Viber contacts immediately populate, check your internet connection. Syncing contacts from an external data source such as a cloud storage source is also known to cause issues. One of the most likely reasons these issues occur is a failed or poor connection to the internet. Of course, before you begin troubleshooting the issues, you should make sure you’re using the latest version of Viber. Luckily, there are also quite a few things users can do to fix these types of issues without the need to uninstall and reinstall the app.

viber desktop not showing viber contacts

That is, getting your address book to show up as Viber users if they have an account and are currently utilizing the app for calling and messaging. One of the most common problems people have with Viber on iOS and Android are syncing problems.

Viber desktop not showing viber contacts